The PsyMetrics Assessment Library, developed by Dr. J. Llobet, has been created and is continually evolving in accordance with the ever-changing market place and technological advancements. PsyMetrics’ assessments capitalize on and incorporate “best practices” in test development research while also addressing some of the practical needs of the human resource professional. More specifically, PsyMetrics’ provides targeted, job-related, valid and reliable assessments through a leading edge test-matching and delivery platform that maximizes the candidate user experience.
An assessment’s level of effectiveness is directly related to its validity (the degree to which the test measures what it is supposed to measure) and its reliability (how consistent the test is at measuring what it is supposed to measure). The PsyMetrics assessments have undergone years of research across a multitude of job categories and industries utilizing numerous validation strategies. The research conducted to establish the validity of the PsyMetrics assessments complies with The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (Federal Testing Guideline) and the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). The results consistently demonstrate that the PsyMetrics assessments are valid predictors of critical aspects of job performance.
In addition to rigorous validation studies, reliability analyses have been performed for each PsyMetrics assessment. Reliability refers to the degree to which the scale items are consistent in measuring the skill or construct the assessment is intended to measure. The results of these analyses demonstrate that the PsyMetrics assessment items are consistent in measuring the job-related competencies they are intended to measure.
The PsyMetrics assessments were specifically developed to help today’s organizations make the right hiring decisions. Extensive research utilizing various statistical methods all conclude that the PsyMetrics assessments are valid and reliable tools for predicting a wide range of job-related aptitudes and behaviors.
The PsyMetrics assessment customization and delivery platform utilizes a unique, proprietary algorithm that allows for the mixing and matching of assessment content based on specific job requirements. We tell the platform the job-related competencies we want to assess and the platform develops an assessment that measures only those competencies. This leads to a more targeted, job-related assessment delivered in a reduced time frame than our competitors.
The Platform also allows for “Star Profile” benchmarking. Candidates falling within your ideal score ranges will be identified with a star in the platform and you will be automatically notified when a “Star” candidate completes your assessment.
Assessments can be delivered to candidates via email, or can be administered from any computer or mobile device within your facility or through a designated URL.
Detailed score reports are delivered within minutes of assessment completion to designated recipients.
Score reports provide detailed analytics, interpretive text that includes expected behaviors, an interview guide and strategies for managing the candidate if hired.